Webcasts from the US 

CCFA regularly hosts live webcasts given by leading US physicians, which cover many topics of interest.  You will need to provide your details to register for these.

Topics include:

Pain in IBD: Causes & Treatment Options
Presenter: Dr. Eva Szigethy

This program explains, the causes of pain in IBD, therapy options that can help releive pain, overlaps between pain in IBS and IBD and resources available for pain management in IBD.

Food for Thought: Nutrition & IBD 

This program explains the latest research on the relationship between IBD and nutrition, eating well with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, proper supplementation and tips for holidays and social gatherings.

IBD: Why Should I Take My Medications?
Presenter: Dr. Sunanda Kane

See Dr Kane's presentation slides plus audio commentary as well as a transcript of the presentation.  You can also download activity workbook containing copies of the slide.



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