Sometimes it is difficult to capture the essence of 'Camp Purple Live' in words and understand just how it has impacted the lives of our campers. Many heartfelt letters have been received from campers and parents about their 'Camp Purple Live' experience. We would like to share with you a sample of some of these letters and comments we have received.
"Thank you so much for organising this. Words can't express how important and helpful it was for me to meet others with IBD. I really loved meeting everyone and I'm so happy that I pushed myself and decided to come."
"Thank you so much for giving ***** the opportunity to come on camp.
I have barely heard from them this week, which tells me everything I need to know!
We have had so long of being worried about ***** that it tends to lend itself to pretty deep-rooted anxiety. Particularly when they are going off to new places with new people.
However, this week we have had none of that. We have had the normal questions of will they make friends, are they at least pretending to make some healthy food choices, are they changing their underwear.
I can't begin to tell you what it means to us to know they are in a space where we get to worry about the 'normal' stuff rather than everything else for once.
Thank you so much to all the adults who have given up their time to give these kids a week where they can be 100% themselves."
"As a family we just wanted to express our heartfelt thanks to all of you involved with the camp. To have exposure to the great doctors, nurses, volunteers and of course the organisers and families -who all have so much information to share- is immense for us, invaluable actually. We think you guys are awesome and are doing amazing things for our children-and for parents like us that is everything. Judy and I loved the opportunity to lap up the knowledge offered freely by the doctors, nurses, families and sufferers themselves. I know that Caitlin will be having a great time, building lifelong friendships and coming to the realisation that there is life after her diagnosis. It is a gift to know that it will not hinder her life and most importantly that she is not alone in this predicament.
We will never be able to repay everyone involved in the camp for the amazing work done-but we are immensely grateful for all you have done for Caitlin and our family. Please pass on our thanks to the doctors, nurses, and especially the freely giving volunteers also; in the hasty departure on Monday we did not have the opportunity to thank them all.
Kind Regards,
Trevor & Judy Azor"
"Good evening,
I am sending this and would appreciate if you could pass this onto everyone involved at the camp.
I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone involved with camp Purple.
Tayla was buzzing when we picked her up and talked for an hour about everything she did. How amazing everyone was, just the whole overall experience, everything including the food.
As a teenager she doesn't have much of a social life as Crohn's limits her. But she said
" I didn't realise there were other kids out there just like me. I didn't realise how alone I was. It was great to be just feel normal for a week and talk to others who just get it."
I am truly thankful for the fantastic people who worked so hard and gave up your time to provide this great experience and for the excellent care Tayla had. I know this will be forever an amazing memory for her and a great confidence boost as she heads into another year at school.
I know she has made some great friends and will keep in contact with them. So once again thank you from a very happy Mum."
Just wanted to say Jahman had such a fantastic time at camp, he seems to have more acceptance with his Crohn's now he has some new friends with IBD. He said you were very cool and really appreciated u being around.
After all the anxiety and not wanting to go to camp with worry about not fitting in, I was so relieved that on return home he told me he's going next year!!! Yipeee. There is a group of them already messaging Jahman. So happy as he had become rather isolated since diagnoses. Thank u"
We as parents are just so grateful for the opportunity for J..... to attend this camp. His first camp 2 years ago he made some great friends that he’s kept in touch with since so was great for them to see each other again. He made some new friends this camp & they’ve been messaging since camp. These connections that camp makes possible are so important. The time and effort you all put into our kids is something we will always be thankful for. Once again J..... loved his group leaders, they made each activity fun & really made an effort with them. He also enjoyed catching up with 2 of his group leaders from last camp. Thank you all.
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