Join CCNZ as a Health Professional Member and partner with the peak national body representing New Zealander's living with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Show New Zealander's affected by Crohn's and colitis your commitment to their health and wellbeing.

As a health professional you understand how daunting a diagnosis of Crohn’s disease or Ulcerative colitis can be and how much support is needed to adapt to living with a chronic and unpleasant condition. This is where CCNZ can help. While you focus on providing expert health care, CCNZ helps people living with IBD with support services, advice and the encouragement they need to become proactive participants in normalising their lives. 

Join us today! 

Health Professional Members receive listing on the CCNZ website, a certificate for display, acknowledgement at CCNZ events and more besides. Please view the Membership Brochure for more information. Annual membership costs $282 incl. GST and can be paid via on-line banking to 06-0529-0957398-00. Please put your name and profmem in the description.

To discuss this opportunity further, please don’t hesitate to Contact Us






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