You or your loved one has Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis and you want to start a family.  Having a baby when you or your partner has IBD can raise many questions; such as If you are a woman, you may wonder if you can get pregnant; if you are a man, you may wonder if you can father a child. What are the health consequences of starting a family? Should you take your meds if you are pregnant? Will your children have Crohn’s or colitis?

It is important to know at the outset that most people with IBD are able to have children and raise a family although there can be a few additional challenges.

It is always a good idea to raise any questions or concerns you may have with your clinical team, including your gynaecologist. Medical and surgical treatment can be tailored to suit your own personal circumstances,.



Am I less fertile if I have IBD?

What about medications and fertility?

What about surgery and fertility?


Childbirth and afterwards

Can I breastfeed?

If active Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis complicates one pregnancy, are future pregnancies likely to be affected in the same way?



The ability to become pregnant when desired and to raise happy and healthy children are issues many people face. Having IBD adds to the many challenges. However, it can be done and it can be done well.

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